New DAF trucks reduce fuel consumption and emissions

Flowertrucks  Oy  is bringing six new DAF trucks in its fleet. These Dutch-made vehicles will be in traffic during this spring.

The first DAF XG 450 FT has entered traffic on Friday, May 10, 2024. DAfs will join the fleet of company’s Mercedes-Benzes. Expectations are high.

”You can work with any kind of truck, but we have chosen these two manufacturers, the best ones. DAF’s fuel economy is good, and now we get to test it in practice,” says CEO Pasi Ruokostenpohja.

When fuel consumption decreases, emissions caused by diesel also decrease. Of course, emissions are still created, but they are fully compensated in the Carbon Sink Register, which adds carbon sinks to Finnish commercial forests with ash fertilization.

The first Flowertrucks´ semi-trailer truck was a DAF in 1991. The experiences with it were good. Still, it’s not even worth comparing the tractors of today with the cars of that time.

”Technology and emissions today are something completely different than they were then. The cars of today and the cars of that time have six tires and a steering wheel in common”, Ruokostenpohja laughs.

Environmental responsibility comes first

Environmental responsibility is an important reason why Flowertrucks renews its fleet every three years. The new DAFs will replace the company’s oldest trucks. More new vehicles will be in fleet rotation soon.

”New Mercedes-Benz truck units are coming around the summer. The purpose is also to get electric locomotives for domestic traffic,” says Ruokostenpohja.

Alternative, renewable energy sources and new technology are being developed for the transport sector to replace diesel.

”Again, in three years we will see where the world has gone. You never know, even if hydrogen was one of the fuels then,” Ruokostenpohja reflects.

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